苏瑶这才相信宋承这些天真的不在C城。顾不了那么多,她赶紧上前,急切表明来意。“I’m sorry being here out of blue.宋先生,just three minutes, please!”看到宋承有些为难之后点了点头,苏瑶悬着的心松了一松,跟着宋承进了酒店席坐。
“It is me that should be sorry, keeping Ms. Su waiting. I know what you are up to do, I may disappoint you that…“
“I know the decision of Ego may have been made. I just want it that you may give a second thought considering what I’ll say. FY is a burgeoning and amazing tech company with creativity and bright perspective. We plough a lot of money into R&D and some already can come into fruit in the near future, which I don’t think your other choices can hold a handle to that. They are too old to revolutionize their bio-tech physically and mentally. I dare say it is not wise of you to take their hands and shut FY out of the door.”
“It is not me not letting you in.”宋承开了个双关的玩笑,发现没有逗笑苏瑶,只好尴尬地自己笑,“Yang’s and Luo’s do have their demerits, but it cannot be denied they possess something a mature family enterprise has, like guanxi or resources. You go nowhere without that as foreign venture capital. FY is good, young and brave, but it is besieged, not just by financial crisis. How can you expect Ego to take risks when I’m aware of not making profits for a god-knows time?”
宋承问:“You do understand it is Ego’s decision, don’t you?”
“But you are still mad at me, aren’t you?”
然后路恩问宋承:”You won’t stop me if I try to help, will you?”
“But you still don’t understand why, do you?”
宋承叹了口气,也去摸了摸路恩的头。“It is not like a cancer, more like a childhood teddy bear. you cherished it, so you just don’t want it dust-covered.”
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